In the following you find our address and all routes to our location in Oberhaching.
Beneath you find information concerning our locations in Germany and Switzerland.
Coming from the A995 you take the exit Oberhaching/Taufkirchen-Süd/Grünwald. At the traffic lights you drive (if you come from Munich: the right hand way, if you come from the highway: straight forward) in the direction of “Oberhaching Gewerbegebiet”. At the rotary intersection you go left into the “Raiffeisenalle” and drive straight ahead. At the following rotary intersection you drive left into the “Grünwalder Weg” direction Oberhaching. Shortly before the underbridge you turn left into the “Grünwalder Weg 28”, guest parking spaces are behind the house.
S3 direction Holzkirchen to destination “Furth” following the “Taufkirchner Weg” in the direction of the train.
S20/27 destination Deisenhofen.
From the Franz-Josef-Strauss airport you take the S8 to the “Ostbahnhof”. There you change into the S3 to Holzkirchen. At the destination Furth you leave the train and follow the “Taufkirchner Weg” to the IS4IT GmbH.
Lohstraße 32
85445 Schwaig
Murgstraße 16
76571 Gaggenau